We strengthen
our culture
of lawfulness

To prevent any type of behavior or unethical situation that could compromise the integrity of our employees, suppliers, or of the company, we have put complaint mechanisms in place. They are monitored by an independent third party and assessed by the Internal Audit team and the Office of Human Resources.

Our stakeholders may report any deviation from our Code of Ethics by means of the following:

  • E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
  • E-mail and direct line to the supervisors in the Human Resources, Internal Audit and Legal Departments Legal.
  • Physical mailboxes in different locations
  • Phone line 01 800 CONFIANZA (01 800 266 342 692) or (Nutrisa 01800 312 98 32)

These mechanisms are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

The mechanism that receives the most use is the 01 800 CONFIANZA line, which receives more than 60% of the complaints or reports filed. In 2018, we received 22 complaints and 81 reports, of which 93% were resolved; the remaining 7% are in the process of being addressed.

There were 6 confirmed cases of corruption. Two were related to abuse of trust through receiving gifts or gratuities, one was a conflict of interest through a family relationship with a client, one for unauthorized removal of a product, one for the unlawful use of fuel card resources, and one for the unlawful authorization of a finished product without charging the client.

Thirteen employees were dismissed from the company in response to the complaints filed.

93% of complaints and complaints received were resolved.

Strengthening Legality

Through training courses and communication tools, in 2018 we carried out various actions to strengthen the culture of legality in our operations:

  • Workshop: “Promoting a Culture of Legality in the Workplace”.
  • Online training: “Intelligence and Prevention of Unlawful Transactions: Money Laundering, Fraud and Corruption” taught by PricewaterhouseCoopers to employees who are responsible for preventing operational risks.
  • In-person training to reinforce the Code of Ethics, targeting personnel from different departments.
  • Course: “Practical Applications of the Code of Ethics for Public Accountants to Prevent Company Fraud” taught by the Mexican Institute for Fiscal and Business Expansion.

No complaints were filed for monopolistic or unfair business practices in 2018. Our Antitrust and Economic Competition policy is available for consultation at: https://grupoherdez.com.mx/sustentabilidad/codigos-y-politicas/

Value Chain Involvement

The traceability of our raw materials and our relationship with our suppliers is essential to guaranteeing that our products reach our consumers’ tables with the quality we are known for.

Therefore, regardless of the type of product or service they offer, all our suppliers must sign and comply with the Suppliers Code of Conduct, which describes the minimum social and environmental requirements they must meet. In 2018, 212 new suppliers signed the Code.

At Grupo Herdez, we reject, without exception, any form of forced or compulsory labor, as well as any form of child labor, either full- or part-time, paid or unpaid, regardless of the purpose. (GRI 409-1).

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